Barbell Bench Press: Should The Bar Touch Your Chest When Bench Pressing?

The barbell bench press is probably the most popular exercise on the planet, especially among guys. Chicks (supposedly) dig guys who have a lean muscular chest, and guys constantly use the barbell bench press as the ultimate measure of strength and awesomeness. They often challenge their friends, claim to bench 100lbs more than they actually…

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Pull Ups vs Chin Ups: What’s The Difference? What Muscles Are Worked?

If you asked any intelligent trainer or strength coach to list the top 5 exercises the majority of the population should be doing, pull ups and/or chin ups (or lat pull-downs) will usually be on every list. It’s just universally considered one of the best exercise variations for building muscle and increasing strength in the…

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Dumbbells vs Barbell: Which Is Better?

A topic of debate among people in the weight training world is dumbbells vs barbell. Some claim that dumbbell exercises are better and more effective for goals like building muscle and gaining strength, while others claim barbell exercises are the better and more effective choice for these types of goals. So, who’s right? Let’s figure…

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Exercise Order: How To Arrange The Exercises In Your Workout

Once you select the weight training exercises you will perform during each of your workouts, the next decision you need to make is what order to perform them in. As is the case with most aspects of creating an effective weight training routine, exercise order can vary significantly based on factors specific to you and…

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A List Of The Best Weight Training Exercises For Each Muscle Group

The most common and straight forward way of categorizing weight training exercises is simply in terms what muscle group or body part an exercise targets. While some explaining was necessary to properly show the difference between free weight exercises, body weight exercises and machines, and compound exercises and isolation exercises, and of course the different…

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Movement Patterns: Exercises For Horizontal & Vertical Push & Pull, Quad & Hip Dominant, And More

Another one of the many ways of categorizing weight training exercises is in terms of their movement pattern. You see, while there might be hundreds of different exercises in existence, there’s really only a few basic movements the human body is capable of doing during an exercise. For the most part, these movement patterns are:…

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