Weight Training To Muscle Failure: Should You Train To Failure Or Not?

In weight training, the term “failure” is used to describe what happens when you are unable to continue a set of an exercise due to momentary muscle failure. Some people think failure is when you just think you can’t do any additional reps. This is wrong. Failure is when you actually reach the point of…

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Training Each Muscle Group With A Twice Per Week Workout Frequency

Weight training frequency can typically be divided up into 3 groups. First, there’s low frequency, which would most often mean training each muscle group just once per week. On the opposite end, we have high frequency training, which most commonly refers to training each muscle group 3 times per week. The final workout frequency is…

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Training Each Muscle Group With A 3 Times Per Week Workout Frequency

Training each muscle group once per week is considered the most common form of low frequency training. On the other end of that spectrum, we have the concept of training each muscle group 3 times per week. This is what is typically considered to be the most common form of high frequency training. The question…

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Exercise Frequency: How Often Should You Workout Per Week?

When putting together your workout routine, the first major component you need to figure out is your exercise frequency. As in, how often and how many times should you workout per week? Now, I’ll admit… that’s a pretty broad question. After all, terms like “exercise frequency” and “workout frequency” can have a ton of different…

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The Ultimate Weight Training Workout Routine

How would you like to create the ultimate weight training workout routine… for free? You know, the one that will produce the results you want as fast as possible. Interested? Good, because that’s exactly what I’m going to show you how to do. Below is a step-by-step guide to designing the weight training program that…

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Do You Need A Beginner, Intermediate or Advanced Workout Routine?

Before you can get into the specifics of putting your workout routine together, you need to figure out what your weight training experience level is. Meaning, would your level of weight training experience be considered: Beginner Intermediate Advanced The reason this needs to be known beforehand is because there are many differences between the 3…

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